The preference for gaming mice is subjective and you need to understand the various minutiae that surround this technology to make an informed decision. The market is flooded with hundreds of gaming mice brands and each manufacturer attests to their products’ prowess.
As a buyer, you might be torn between the many options available and choose to select the cheapest or the most aesthetically appealing. This is a way to get the issue out of the way but there are better ways.
With knowledge of the various aspects that contribute to gaming mice’s speed and efficiency, you will be in a position to make a more informed decision.
Do you prefer laser or optical
The sensor is the mouse’s neural system; it affects its capabilities by a great measure. There are three major types of sensors in the market, laser, optical and infrared.
The laser sensor is the most sought-after type due to its ability to function on almost any surface. It suffers from one malady, however, its high lift-off distance. You must lift it about a centimeter high to reposition it or else you might end up making unwanted game movements.
As you lift it from the mat, the sensor continues reading the surface. The movement caused might be meager but in a gunfight, it could alter your odds significantly.
Another option is the optical mouse sensor which when combined with a proper gaming mat can greatly improve the experience.
The third option is the infrared sensor which experts claim has reduced liftoff distance and better adaptation to different working surfaces.

Dot Per Inch
Manufacturers indicate the mouse’s DPI on the packaging. This is a figure representation of the product’s sensitivity. In layman’s language, the higher the DPI, the less effort you will need to expend to gain cursor distance.
The sensitivity should be neither too strong nor too weak. A well-balanced DPI will come in handy during heated gunfights which call for swift but accurate movements.
Do You Prefer Wired Or Wireless Mice
The wireless option relies on radio waves to transmit signals to the receiver while the wired one employs a wire connection to deliver the message. Each comes with a couple of upsides and downsides.
The wireless mouse saves you the hassle of dealing with a cluttered desk since only the mouse is in sight. The wireless connection is however ailed by slow response and transmission. Users complained of cursor lag and delay. You can’t have that in a gaming setting, it would be disastrous.
Another reason why experts avoid wireless mice is the fact that they rely on batteries to function. Some are rechargeable but the battery model can shut down at any moment, even in the middle of a match. The battery also adds weight to the whole thing; a gaming mouse ought to be as light as it can be.
The wired option might mean more wires on your desk but the benefits are worth the trouble. Get yourself a wireless or wired gaming mouse at
Are You Right Or Left Handed
If you are left-handed, the odds are by far against you. Manufacturers do not see potential in the left-handed proportion of the market. There are however some manufacturers who create magnificent pieces for left-handed persons. Before you buy a mouse, ascertain that it matches your hands.
Take Away
There is no perfect gaming chair but you can select one that suits your needs. It can be the sensor, the DPI, or even the signal transmission mode there must be something to match your preferences